What is E-Ledger?

Preparation of books that must be kept in electronic format in accordance with the provisions of the Tax Procedure Law and the Turkish Commercial Code in accordance with the formats and standards established by the Tax Administration, without recording suppression, to ensure the correctness of the integrity and integrity of the source and as evidence to be used by the parties concerned. legal and technical regulations that are to be made available.

Melasoft e-ledger completely relieves your company of paper, printing and notary costs.

Melasoft E-Ledger Advantages

  • Ability to manage all company notebooks from a single cockpit

  • Ability to integrate with various integrators

  • Ability to authorize transactions

  • Logging operations

  • Quickly integrated into your project to live your project as quickly as possible

  • View your notebook in PDF / XML format

  • Ability to manage all processes and adjustments through the SAP system

  • Checks the consistency of your data.