What is an e-Archive?

The e-archive covers the processes of creating, sending, and archiving invoices that are created by companies for non-registered taxpayers (B2B) and non-taxpayers (B2C).

In the event that the invoice recipient requests the invoice on paper, the created e-archive invoice with the signature of the company official and the company logo on the printer is sent from a printer to the printer with color output. The e-archive invoice can be used instead of bold according to the “replacement notice”.

E-archive has the same legal requirements as invoices.

Melasoft E-Archive Advantages

  • Ability to manage the entire process via the outgoing SAP invoice cockpit

  • Display of the invoice in SAP without sending

  • Simple invoice design for the user

  • Outgoing invoice cockpit

  • Ability to integrate with different systems

  • Sending and receiving invoices at the same time via two separate integrators

  • Ability to view invoices as PDF / XML / HTML via SAP

  • Ability to authorize transactions

  • Communication with integrator via SSL

  • Possibility to improve with BADI outputs

  • Monitoring and status reporting via SAP

  • Logging operations

  • To be able to adapt to the needs of your company with modern architecture

  • You can view your e-archive report via SAP