Romanian e-Invoice Process

Important Dates in Romania eInvoicing Process

Since January 1, eInvoice has become mandatory for large taxpayers/companies. B2B taxpayers supplying products with high financial risk is obliged to issue eInvoices through the Romania eInvoice System (RO eFactura) as of July 1, 2022. For medium and small companies, eFactura will be mandatory in 2023 and 2025, respectively.

Romania Draftlist

Structure of Romanian eInvoice

There are two ways to create a Romanian eInvoice:

Romania eInvoice structure is in EU standards. In this context, UBL, CII or RASP appear as invoice parameters. Invoices in XML format are uploaded to the RO eInvoice system via web services ANAF. If the invoice has been uploaded correctly, we can download the reply consisting of the original invoice and an e-signed file from the Ministry of Finance. In this case, the invoice is presented to the buyer. The company that receives the notification receives an email notifying them that they have a new document on the Business@Mail platform and a link to access it. Recipients access the web environment through the link where they can view and download the document(s). Thus, the sender completes traceability that lets the recipient know if he or she has taken any action on the document.

Melasoft eInvoice Solution to Romania

Melasoft eInvoice Solution to Romania provides to customers in two ways inbound invoices and outbound invoice.

The invoice created by the supplier/customer is sent to the cloud system via integrators. The invoice sent to ANAF portal is sent to the Melasoft Inbound cockpit via the integrator. After the invoice received in the Melasoft cockpit is approved, it is registered in the system.

Romania Outbound Cockpit

Invoices created in the SAP system are mapped and converted into XML/UBL format. After invoices have been approved in the Melasoft Outbound Cockpit and the necessary checks have been carried out in the ANAF portal, they are forwarded to the e-invoice recipient.

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