Companies in the Kazakh e-invoicing system must register in the Virtual Warehouse (VL) module. The purpose of the VL module is to monitor the inventory movements of the production and export processes along with the import and sales processes in Kazakhstan.
The VW module automates the recognition and accounting of goods and at the same time provides the transmission of electronic documents related to product movements and records (discount, sale, production, etc.). If the goods are not registered in the VW module, sales are not possible.
The e-invoice information system automatically prevents the taxpayer from issuing e-bills for goods that are not registered in the VW module.
From April 1, 2018, taxpayers must use the VW module in Kazakhstan. Companies that import and/or sell the goods specified in the final and binding list must keep accounting records for these goods in the VW module. Melasoft expertise is required to evaluate the impact of the VW module on your business processes and to integrate it into SAP systems.
As Melasoft in the implementation of the VW module;
